Drug Repair & Recovery: Exercise 0, “Life As It IS”

Drug Repair & Recovery: Exercise 0, “Life As It IS”

A very handy trick.  Admitting, realising or indeed simply becoming aware of how life is as it is, as it is, as it is.  If in doubt, make a quick list of how you currently “feel“, what you currently “have“, what you are currently “being” and what you are currently “doing“.  This simple exercise is surprisingly helpful and makes a handy first move into the direction of a preferred or balanced lifestyle.

Todays video presentation is by the author and tells it, as it is, ugly and all.  Enjoy (kind of).


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About OzieMoses

Born in 1967, Anthony is an economist, kinesiologist and also a musician with a flair for management. With a background including stints as a DJ, music festival director, night club manager, body-worker, counsellor, breath-worker and pioneering MORA color therapist, as well as many years of experience in drug and alcohol crisis intervention – in often volatile situations; negotiating, advocating and mediating between clients, judiciary, families, police, schools and social services.

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