Cocaine: Helluva Drug

Cocaine: Helluva Drug

The following is a self-help awareness instructional video on the consequences of loooooooong term and excessive cocaine use.

If you can relate to this, best to know the following:

“On the morning of August 6, 2004, Rick James was found dead in his Burbank, California, home at the Oakwood apartment complex on Barham Boulevard by his caretaker. James had died from pulmonary failure and cardiac failure with his various health conditions of diabetes, stroke, a pacemaker, and a heart attack. Through his autopsy it was discovered he was under the influence of five different drugs, including marijuana and cocaine, at the time of his death”.
Alas nobody in Rick’s life (including the dear man himself) knew how to move towards a “post-drug discovery phase” lifestyle. Trapped in the incomprehensible maze of mind, continuing drug use is indicated, in which routine takes the place of pain. Death is the likely outcome. His signature tune “Superfreak” is a top ten dance floor killer of all time, I have used it as a DJ plenty of times and it NEVER FAILS to get people dancing.
Vale Rick James, a:)

This entry was posted in Amphetamine Type Substances, Cocaine, Drugs & Humour, Drugs & Music by OzieMoses. Bookmark the permalink.

About OzieMoses

Born in 1967, Anthony is an economist, kinesiologist and also a musician with a flair for management. With a background including stints as a DJ, music festival director, night club manager, body-worker, counsellor, breath-worker and pioneering MORA color therapist, as well as many years of experience in drug and alcohol crisis intervention – in often volatile situations; negotiating, advocating and mediating between clients, judiciary, families, police, schools and social services.

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