Meditation and the Mind on Drugs
When your mind, or anybody else’s mind dictates the terms of life, it comes in three flavours.
Mad, bad or sad. Any combination is likely, and all three at the same time is possible.
People who have a life-long experience of contentment and happiness have managed to balance their “mind” with a separate (but connected) sense of “essential self”.
The only way this can be achieved, in the long term, is via the medium or technique of meditation. And meditation, it may surprise you to know, comes in limitless forms. One form of meditation you may be familiar with is drug and alcohol use. Perhaps you are more skillful in the area of meditation than you currently give give yourself credit for?
The mind is a “bad” master, but a “good” servant. Much like electricity. Which, incidentally is currently powering your neural net and gifting you the ability to read this. How wonderful.
I have no comment but wish you have much success. You are a good person and ‘god’ bless.
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